


Art for Kids - Schmarander's "Small Art"

For me, art is a natural part of life and is a natural part of it. Art in life should begin with the little ones and the very young. This is where the foundation is laid for development and creativity as well as imagination and personal inspiration, as children make up the world of tomorrow.


That's why I created "Small Art" - paintings and arrangements for children as a haptic, tactile and of course visual treat. The subjects come from, for example, the magical and fabled worlds or the fantasy worlds of children. With great attention to detail, I create small works of art that stimulate children's imagination even further and are "tangible" in the truest sense of the word.


Some works are designed in relief, some with phosphorescent light effects in the dark, others with glitter and shimmer or real sea sand. To match the motif, the children's paintings are provided with an unusual frame, for example with fluffy sheepskin; soft fur (mink); shells; rope or feathers.


And the success proves me right. While children in Germany have so far enjoyed the works, the call for "Small Art" has now also been heard from as far away as Chile or the USA. The age of it's "customers" so far ranges from 14 days to 12 years.


With my art for children, I hope to revive an old tradition of passing on beautiful and important things in one's life to one's own children. Children who grow up with my "Small Art" today should later pass it on to their children."


Schmarander's KleineKunst Edition includes 8 hand-signed and hand-worked motifs in a limited edition of 111 per motif.